Business Development /BLOG

Building Your Business with SEO and Content Marketing

Are you making use of SEO and content marketing to build your brand and generate leads? It’s easier than you may think, and it’s necessary for the 2017 market. If you’re selling Medicare, you may think that your target audience isn’t using the web, but that’s not true anymore.

Medicare eligibles and Seniors are increasingly joining Facebook and other sites to keep up with their families and friends. At the same time, they’re learning how to use the internet to their advantage, even for activities like finding a Medicare plan. That’s why we built our MedicarePlanFinder website. Sharing our MPF content on your social media platforms, as well as creating your own content, can help you generate your own web traffic from potential leads.

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of organizing your web posts and using keywords with the goal of positioning your content at the top of the public’s search engine results. Web design platforms like WordPress typically include plugins that help you track SEO, and there are plenty of other websites out there that do the same.

The best way to use SEO is to find good keywords and place them throughout your posts. Essentially, you want to use words and phrases that people commonly search for. Moz is a great example of a keyword search engine. You can search for a keyword, then analyze how often people search for it or find related popular keywords.

Hosting Your Own Website/Blog

Hosting your own website is easier than you may think. As an agent, all you really need for your web presence is a one-page site that includes your contact information and maybe some fun links or graphics, so that anyone who searches your name can find you. However, if you have the time to take it a step further, adding a blog to your website and creating your own content is a great way to drive traffic and potentially generate leads. WordPress and Wix are just two examples of services that provide free web-hosting. You don’t need to know code to build your website from their platforms, and they’re free unless you want to add features. The free service can take you a long way, but their premium prices are reasonable.

Using Social Media as an Agent

Remember that even if your target audience isn’t seeing your posts, your target audience’s friends and family might be. Share your brand on every platform that you can; you never know who’s looking! Remember that you can’t ask for contact information, but you can give out your own.

If you struggle to keep up with multiple platforms, there are several apps that will keep everything (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) in one place for you. Consider Netvibes, and more on our workflow apps blog.

Adhering To Compliance

As with everything else, Medicare has strict guidelines relating to your online presence. CMS released a guide that outlines strict do’s and don’t’s regarding Medicare Marketing. The following relate to social media and websites:


  • Include disclaimers and distinctions if both Medicare and other markets are represented
  • Include date stamps any time information is uploaded or modified


  • Include content relating to the next contract year prior to October first
  • Provide links for foreign drug sales (including advertisements)
  • Speak on behalf of CMS, Medicare, or Medicaid
  • Require contact information for access