Medicare /BLOG

More Seniors Want Medicare Online: How To Keep Your Clients

By  Senior Market Advisors  on February 26, 2018

More Seniors and Medicare Beneficiaries Want Medicare Online: How To Keep Your Clients

In this growing digital age, it’s becoming easier and easier to perform tasks like enrolling in health care plans online. If beneficiaries are able to do it all on their own from the comfort of their couch, why do they need you? You have to remember all of the value-adds that you bring to the table when you meet with your clients. You’re not just enrolling them in health care – you’re building a relationship, answering their questions, and providing professional guidance.

Build A Relationship

Building friendly relationships with your clients will help them feel more comfortable talking to you and buying from you. The first step is always good communication. You should communicate with your clients year-round – send holiday cards, friendly check-in emails and phone calls, and reminders and follow-ups.

Every time you interact with a client, you should have a positive attitude. For some, health care is far from a cheery topic, and it can be difficult to discuss. Try to wear a smile and avoid words with negative connotations. Instead of discussing the perils of health care, talk about how much you’re going to help them save money and get the care and coverage they deserve!

Answer Their Questions

If you don’t know the answer, help the client find it. You’re there to be their Medicare expert. The client may not know how to find the answers they need on their own. Bring whatever marketing materials are relevant (and CMS-approved) and a laptop that you can use to show them where they can find answers online.

Provide Professional Guidance

Remember that when dealing with Medicare, you’re not just a salesman – you’re an advisor. Your job is to help clients get into a plan that truly works for their needs without any bias towards business and commission. Seniors and Medicare eligibles are trusting you with their personal information and trusting your ability to choose a good plan. Remember that selling them a good plan will work out well for you, too. If you help a senior or Medicare eligible enroll into a plan that doesn’t really work for them, they’ll probably turn around and get help from someone else the next year, and you’ll lose a client. You and the client will both better off if you provide the best and most professional guidance you can.

Get Marketing Materials

Contracting with our new FMO model means you’ll have access to free and cheap marketing materials like informative downloads, training videos, webinars, and more. Watch our video to learn more!